Une moitié de The Fiery Furnaces en solo

Matthew Friedberger de The Fiery Furnaces fera cet été une infidélité à sa soeur en sortant son premier album solo. Prévu pour début août, ce projet en gestation depuis trois ans est un double album et s’intitule Winter Women / Holy Ghost Language School. Signé sur 859 Recordings (nouvelle excroissance de Rough Trade), le premier CD serait de facture pop -toute proportion gardée- tandis que que le second serait plus expérimental.

Winter Women
Track listing:

1. Under The Hood At The Paradise Garage.

2. The Pennsylvania Rock Oil Co. Resignation Letter.

3. Up The River.

4. Ruth versus Richard.

5. Her Chinese Typewriter.

6. Big Bill Crib & His Ladies Of The Desert.

7. Don’t You Remember?

8. Betcha Don’t.

9. PS.213 Mini School.

10. Theme From Never Going Home Again.

11. Motorman.

12. Quick As Cupid.

13. I Love You Cedric.

14. Servant In Distress.

15. Hialeah.

16. Wisconsin River Blues.

Holy Ghost Language School
Track listing:

1. Seventh Loop Highway.

2. Holy Ghost Language School.

3. The Cross And The Switchblade.

4. I Started Drinking Alcohol At The Age Of Eleven.

5. Do You Like Blondes?

6. Azusa St.

7. Topeka and San Antonio.

8. A Mystical Preparative To Lewdness.

9. Ship Scrap Beach Business.

10. First Day Of School.

11. Things Were Going So Well.

12. All In Vain Or The Opposite.

13. Moral and Epilouge.