Un futur finalement pour Rob Crow

Après avoir annoncé en mars dernier sur les réseaux sociaux son intention de quitter le business de la musique, Rob Crow semble être revenu sur sa décision. Le leader de Pinback vient d’annoncer qu’il a un nouvel album sur le point de sortir et espère tourner en Europe pour le défendre. Conscient d’avoir semé la confusion chez ses fans, il s’en explique dans une vidéo postée sur YouTube par Snapshots Music, à voir ci-dessus. Et ce n’est pas forcément plus clair, mais bon, tout est pardonné Rob !

En voici un extrait (in english)

I mean, if I didn’t say anything at all, then it would seem weird. That I just disappeared or something. But writing that thing … I just wrote a thing on Facebook. Everybody went weird. All I did was post a thing on Facebook, though! And all these people took it in so many different ways. But most importantly, I want people to know that that post was not a cry for help, and I wasn’t trying to do a weird “Come on guys, save me or else I really mean it!” Nothing like that. But everything I wrote on Facebook and Twitter up to that point was basically a cry for help. [laughs] Before that, that was me going, “Nah, I’m just gonna do this.” But I would say that ”” “Yes, this is a cry for help, I’m drowning,” in these tweets and whatnot. Saying “I’m circling the drain here.” [laughs] Writing that I thought was the first step in being a healthy person. And I haven’t written anything since on there, and just try to write in my notebooks and do healthy things. Yeah, but, so now that I’m actually gonna come out with a new record and hopefully tour with it, it’s gonna seem … I don’t know. I don’t know what it’s gonna seem like. It’s the one thing I failed to quit.