Les Field Mice en cd

Les défunts Field Mice, protégés du non moins légendaire label Sarah records, connaitront enfin les joies du CD puisque leurs trois albums sortis entre 1989 et 1991, Snowball, Skywriting et For Keeps, viennent d’être remastérisés et agrémentés de singles précieux et introuvables (certains étaient pressés uniquement à 100 exemplaires en vinyl). Trois rééditions indispensables, disponible en import uk, pour ce qui reste la plus probante réunion entre New Order et les Smiths. A découvrir et redécouvrir.


Tracklist: Let’s Kiss and Make Up, You’re Kidding Aren’t You?, End of the Affair, Couldn’t Feel safer, This Love is Not Wrong, Everything About You, White, Letting Go, Sensitive, When Morning Comes To Town, Emma’s House, When You Sleep, Fabulous Friend, The Last Letter, I Can See Myself Alone Forever, Everything About You, That’s All This Is.

Tracklist : Triangle, Canada, Clearer, It Isn’t Forever, Below the Stars, Humblebee, Landmark, Quicksilver, Holland Street, Indian Ocean, So Said Kay, If You Need Someone, The World to Me, Song Six, Anyone Else Isn’t You, Bleak, I Thought Wrong, Right As Rain, A Heart Disease Called Love, This Is Not here (1998), Other Galaxies.

Tracklist : Five Moments, Star of David, Coach Station Reunion, This Is Not Here, Of the Perfect Kind, Tilting at Windmills, Think of These Things, Willow, And Before the First Kiss, Freezing Point, Missing the Moon, A Wrong Turn and Raindrops, An Earlier Autumn, September’s Not So far Away, Between Hello and Goodbye.