Nada Surf dévoile une chanson politique

Sans véritable actualité depuis You Know Who You Are (2016), le groupe américain Nada Surf vient de dévoiler une chanson inédite sur YouTube, intitulé « Songs For Congress ».  Il s’agit d’un titre un peu spécial, puisque politique, adressé à l’attention du congrès américain, et plus spécialement à Donald Trump. Le titre a été composé suite au scandale l’année dernières des familles d’immigrés séparées de leurs enfants à la frontière mexicaine. Le songwriter Matthew Caws s’est fendu de paroles adressées directement aux sénateurs et élus du congrès américain, pour dénoncer le caractère inhumain de méthodes de force. Morceau choisi :

« We’re on a bigger team than left or right
We have a flickering history as a guiding light
Don’t want to see the american dream die in the night »

L’intégralité des paroles sont à lire plus bas, et le communiqué de Matthew Caws par ici.

Matthew Caws, chant et guitare enregistré à la maison.




I’m a New Yorker with long American roots
I see a land that’s tilting and I don’t know what to do
Something is different, this danger feels new
Who do we look to?
In the capitol building, the chosen few
I wrote a song for you

As you walk through Statuary Hall
Do you hear the marble breathing?
All the statues are trying to talk
What do you think that they’re saying?

The muse of history writes everything down
She writes just what she sees in Washington town

As you walk through Statuary Hall
Did you catch the marble moving?
All these statues are trying to walk
Where do you think that they’re going?

We’re on a bigger team than left or right
We have a flickering history as a guiding light
Don’t want to see the american dream die in the night

Around the world in bars and parks
People commiserate
Complex feelings around this flag of ours
But don’t want to see it fade
They still want their american friend

As you walk through Statuary Hall
Do you see the marble moving?
All these statues are starting to walk
Where do you think that they’re going?

To find the man who would be king
Doesn’t seem to care about anything
Now’s the time to do something
Now’s the time to say something

Do we dare look away, turn our heads
As we slide into the dark?
When we’re old, looking back
We will cry when we see what we have done

Families split up, the world heating up
We are letting hate lead us away